We are surrounded by mystery and we are not alone. The great paradox is that while we are beings programmed by some inner radar to reach out and connect to all that exists, including what we can see and touch and what we can only sense, we have created so much perceived distance between ourselves and what we call Spirit or God that most of us don’t really make a true and ongoing connection.
We may feel like actors on a stage, as Shakespeare said, being moved around by a force we can’t know and often fear. And we seek guidance from a distant shimmering force. A greater truth is emerging as spiritual energies and beings are moving closer. We realize that what we have thought of as Spirit includes many others - beings from other planets, galaxies, universes who touch in here to observe and to see if we are ready to communicate in some way. The energy fields around us are full of spirit beings of all kinds, and our challenge is to learn and intimately know how viscerally present they really are to us and how eager they are to know us. The convergence of our spirituality and our science depends on our willingness to be part of a great matrix of intelligence and to enter a conscious state of communication through our thoughts and hearts that reaches out with grace and love. Please join me for an experience in contact.
Being on a spiritual path can mean a lot of different things to different people. There are an infinite number of ways to engage with Spirit, and indeed, each person’s experience of that relationship is different. Even if you practice a religion with specific guidelines and restrictions, your personal interface with God is your own. Even your understanding of God is unique to you. And in that infinite variety, there is still the choice of just how deep you are called to go on your spiritual journey. What your path looks like and how much you surrender to it are the ultimate choices that lead to true transformation.
Today I will share Wisdom Wednesday with a spiritual teacher who felt called to do very deep spiritual work many years ago. We shared a teacher, or perhaps I should say an Earth Angel, Charles McCall. In that work, we were taken to the depths of our emotional and spiritual pain and resistance. And we were lifted gradually by the beauty of surrender to a true spiritual path that is fully integrated into life, and not separated from it. Please join me for this very special one-on-one with Marilyn Munro, a spiritual teacher from Austin, Texas. TIME FOR REAL SERVICE? We come here to be challenged and in that challenge we find a way to open, not close. We come here to feel the parts of us that are closed, that are afraid, that are in judgement of others, to then surrender to our innate generous and open hearts.
Some of us seem preprogrammed to be in service. From the time we are small, we take pleasure in helping others. It just seems natural, and we will feel a burst of heart energy in the giving. But so often that desire to be of service gets twisted into something transactional, and instead of doing things for the pure fulfillment and joy of sharing our gifts, we begin to expect something in return. A lot of this is cultural, but often our sense of self-worth can hinge on whether our expectations to be recognized or to receive something back for a “good deed.” Often, the bar gets higher and ego demands more and more of an exchange. |
AuthorA spiritual teacher, healer and minister, Racquel helps people clear the emotional and energetic blocks that keep them from discovering their true and unique spiritual connections. Archives
October 2022
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